Protocol for IORACON
- The annual conference of the association should be held once a year preferably in September/October. The venue and date of the annual conference should be decided one year in advance by majority of vote in GBM of last conference.
- The association will prepare a “Guide line” for holding annual conferences which would be amended when ever required by simply majority vote in General Body meeting.
- Members desirous to hold Annual conference in his place will apply to Secretary General in writing at least one month before the annual conference of the previous year . The organizing secretary shall be a member of the association and preferably of the place of the venue decided.
- The annual conference should be of two days in duration. The first day shall have inaugural function, IORA Oration ,Guest Lectures ,Workshop and scientific sessions. The executive committee meeting shall be held on the first day. The second day should have IORA Gold medal session, PG Quiz ,Scientific sessions and General body meeting. The valedictory function shall be immediately after the general body meeting.
The criteria of IORA Gold medal paper:
- Presenter should be life member of IORA
- Should be under Forty age group.
- Work should not be published anywhere & should be Original work.
- The winner should submit the paper for publication in IORA Journal. It will be appreciated if other presenters can also give their paper for publication.
- The duration of Inaugural function should not be more than one hour.
- Persons of eminence in the field of Orthopaedics should be Chief Guest preferably for the inauguration of Conference.
- Organizing secretary can also invite other important personalities as Guest of Honour.
- Preferably 5 persons (not more than 7 ) should be sitting on the Dias during inaugural ceremony.
- The organizing secretary can nominate Master of Ceremony to conduct inaugural ceremony, who will conduct the inauguration in the following manner.
- Invocation
- Floral presentation
- Lighting of Lamp.
- Welcome address be Chairman organizing committee.
- Address by President Emeritus IORA .
- Inaugural address by President, Sec General
- Release of Souvenir by Guest of Honour/Chief Guest.
- Address by Chief Guest(Optional)
- Vote of Thanks by Organizing Secretary.
- National Anthem.
- The program me of the conference shall be settled by the local organizing committee in consultation with the President and Secretary General of the association. The organizing secretary shall communicate the tentative program me of the conference to the members of the association under certificate of posting at least two months prior to Conference.
- The organizing Committee is authorized to take registration fees as decided in the General Body Meeting. The organizing secretary is also authorized to collect Donations or charge fee for providing facilities for scientific exhibition to different organizations.
- Any member wishing to present a paper shall furnish abstract of the paper to the organizing secretary at least 6 weeks before the conference .The program committee consisting of Secretary , Organizing Chairman and Organizing secretary have the right to either accept or reject any paper. Any speaker should present not more than two papers in that conference.
- The organizing committee can invite one or more persons of eminence in the field Rheumatology or allied subject from outside the zone to present any paper / Guest Lecture. Such program me can be finalized in consultation of President & Secretary General of the association.
- The Organizing secretary can accept paper from orthopedic surgeons outside the zone of IORA only with the prior approval of President and the Secretary General of the association.
- The prestigious IORA oration can be delivered by any Eminent orthopedic surgeon/ International Advisor to IORA/ Past President of IORA.
- Every paper presented in the conference becomes the property of the association which shall have the right to publish in the official publication of the association.
- The organizing committee will authorize the organizing secretary and the Treasurer of the conference to open an account in any schedule bank. The PAN number and other required details of the association will be provided by IORA Secretariat.
- Funds required for holding the conference shall be raised by the organizing committee. The citation and the momento of the oration should be prepared by the Organizing committee.
- Certificate of attendance /Paper presentation should be issued under signature of thr President, President Emeritus, Secretary, Organizing Secretary.
- If funds permit ,the organizing Secretary shall present a momento to the Chairpersons and speakers.
- After the conference is over the account will be audited by Chartered Accounted. The audited account will be presented to the executive committee for approval .Half the saving of the conference will go to the IORA .This saving will be used in various academic activities like in Journal Publication and as Travelling allowances in the Fellowships.