2020 onwards we had started “Fellowship in Orthopedic Rheumatology” under aegis of Indian Orthopaedic Rheumatology Association (IORA) in academic collaboration with Indian Stem Cell Study Group (ISCSG) association, and Dr Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law university with the laid down criteria (mentioned below)
The duration of fellowship would be for one year with classroom & proposed online contact program. There will be hospital and clinical observations as well. The fellowship would also strive to ensure NMC/ MCI credit hours for the course. The finer details of the course module for this fellowship will be laid out by the scientific committee members of IORA and ISCSG and will be shared at appropriate juncture with all the stakeholders.
Globally, regenerative science in orthopaedics holds the future to treating certain conditions where clinicians face stagnation and challenges in the available treatment modalities (such as moderate stage of progressive osteoarthritis, uncontrolled Rheumatoid Arthritis, AVN head of Femur, DMD, etc.) therefore the fellowship would endeavor to update and inbuild regenerative approach in the fellowship curriculum.
It is also envisaged that university of repute would be roped in to award this prestigious fellowship. A law university would be taking care of the legal aspect of regenerative medicine along with insight & guidance into the challenging medical litigations in ortho-rheumatological clinical practice. The fellowship would be jointly awarded by the RML university and IORA in academic collaboration with ISCSG association, Indian Orthopaedic association. There would be onsite clinical observership / exposure at VISA hospital of Foot & Ankle Surgery in Chennai, advances in hand surgery at Pune, SRKRC institution in Surat (NABH accredited Regional Blood Transfusion & Research Centre)
The total duration would be of one year during where the fellows would be exposed to Orthopaedic Rheumatology (Medical part, Surgical and Rehabilitation part of Orthopaedic Rheumatology specially to hand and foot surgeries observership), regenerative science in Orthopedic Rheumatology, medical litigations around orthopaedic rheumatology and legal aspects of the proposed subject with special consideration to Stem cells /Regenerative Science clinical uses. A registered scientific ethics committee from Lucknow is in place for ethical approval of fellows’ research journey and publication.
Course Details
Duration – 12 months
No of Fellows intake – 20
Selection criteria –
- Age -under 45 years of age can apply
- Life member of IORA & ISCSG
- Two years of clinical experience for Postgraduates in MS/DNB Orthopaedics
- Five years of clinical experience for Postgraduate Diploma in Orthopaedics
The surgeons who are meeting the above criteria will be intimated for the participation of fellowship under IORA and ISCSG. The fellows should have a previously demonstrated commitment in the subject.
Course curriculum
Month | Exposure |
1 | Lucknow – 2 days training in basics of
2 | Surat – 2 days
3 | Oral presentations and other assigned academic work in either ISCSG or IORA conference or both |
4 | Chennai – 2 days
· 2 days observership in foot, ankle surgeries at VISA hospital. |
5 | Pune – 2 days
.2 days observership in hand surgeries |
6 | Lucknow – Final two days exit event along with Viva, Practical, OSCE |
The stay arrangements would be facilitated by IORA & ISCSG association during this period of teaching in Chennai, Surat, Pune and Lucknow but payments will be borne by the fellows. The course fee does not cover travel, stay, publication and conference expenses (There would be a committee to resolve any difference of opinion, however in case of any dispute the decision of the Course head/Director would be final)
The opportunity of learning and interaction would be of immense value to boost the scientific knowledge among the fellows. The prescribed textbook for teaching would be the upcoming “Textbook of Orthopaedic Rheumatology” and an e-book under innovation info, “Autologous platelet rich plasma in Musculoskeletal disorders”.
Applications should be made stating
- Letter of Intent – Why the candidate should be included in the fellowship program?
(Min 250 words) - Purpose – How the fellowship will help the candidates’ career plan?(Min 250 words)
List of documents needed with the application:
- Brief CV
- MCI/ NMC recognized Degree/ Certificates (MCI, Degree of MBBS and Higher Qualification)
- Certificates of attendance – National & International Conference in the field concerned
- Abstract proposal (350 words) for research work during fellowship
- Two letters of recommendation by members of IORA and or ISCSG with 5 years of standing.
Applications may be sent by email to fellowiora@gmail.com and CC to manishvenus@rediffmail.com
Closing Dates for submitting request – 31 th January 2021 Later, On line interview would be conducted by course director before finalizing the names of Fellows as the candiadates for Fellowship .
Course Flow
- Induction – Lucknow
- Research Topic Allocation
- Online lectures
- Research Proposal submission
- IEC Approval
- Offline demonstration– Surat,Chennai,Pune
- Synospsis Submission
- Final Research Publication
- FEIORA Exit Exam – Lucknow
Orthopaedic Rheumatology faculties
Prof. Dr. Manish Khanna,
Prof S S Jha
Prof Dileep Mazumder
Prof Alok C Agarwal
Prof Shantanu Lahkar
Dr. Madhan Jeyaraman,
Dr. Sathish Muthu,
Prof H S Narendra
Prof Vikas Trivedi
Prof Mukesh Yadav
Prof Venus khanna
Dr Shweta Agarwal
Dr Pankaj Jindal
Dr T V Raja
Dr. Kuldeep Mailk
Dr. Anil Gowtham Manivannan
Dr. Girinivasan Chellamuthu
Dr. Bushu Harna
Regenerative Orthopaedics faculties
Prof. Dr. Manish Khanna
Dr. Kanchan Mishra
Dr Megnand Joshi
Dr. Dr. B R Ravi
Dr. Madhan Jeyaraman,
Dr. Sathish Muthu,
Prof. Dr. Shilpa Sharma
Prof. Dr. Sandeep Shriva
Prof Michele Zocchi Venice( Italy)
Dr Jose Fabiolana Brazil
Dr Marco Traub Switzerland
Dr Charan Reddy USA
Dr Steven R Peloquin Manhatten
Dr Asawira Bapat Dubai
Research Methodology Faculty
Dr Syed Belal Hassan
Dr Anamika pandey
Dr Imran
Law Faculty
Course Director
Dr ( Prof) Manish khanna MS FIMSA
Orthopaedic Rheumatologic Surgeon & Regenerative Orthobiologist
President Emeritus,IORA
Chartered President,ISCSG Association
( An all India registered organization)
Chairman,ISCSG Trust
Syllabus for FEIORA
Module 1: Introduction (1 month)
- Introduction to Orthopaedic Rheumatology
- Introduction to Regenerative Medicine
- Introduction to Medico-legal aspects
Module 2: Rheumatoid arthritis (1 month)
- Rheumatoid arthritis – Pathology and Immunology
- Clinical presentation and deformities of rheumatoid arthritis
- Diagnosis and management of rheumatoid arthritis
- Biological therapy in rheumatoid arthritis
- Regenerative science in rheumatoid arthritis
- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Module 3: Seronegative spondyloarthtopathies (1 month)
- Seronegative spondyloarthtopathies
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Surgical management in sero neg spondyloarthropathy
- Regenerative science in seronegative spondyloarthropathies
Module 4: Cartilage, joint and bone disorders (1 month)
- Osteoarthritis – Pathology, diagnosis, management
- Regenerative science in osteoarthritis
- Crystal deposition disesase – Gout, Pseudogout, Alkaptonuria
- Osteoporosis – Basics, diagnosis, management and recent advances
- Periarthritis shoulder, variant arthropathies ,Perthes disease
Module 5: Ortho Rheumatology Variants (1 month)
- Soft tissues tumors & tumors like lesions
- Enthesopathies – Tennis elbow, Golfer’s elbow, Tendinopathies (Patellar, Achilles and
Supraspinatus), Plantar fasciitis, Interscapular fibrofasciitis, de Quervain’s tenosynovitis - Bursitis
- Trigger points
- Myofascial pain syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
Module 6: Wrist ,hand ,Foot Orthorheumatology (1 month)
- Rheumatoid wrist ,hand surgical correction
- Carpel tunnel,arthritis of First Metacarpoph joint , various hand disorders
- Rheumatoid Foot ( including hallux ) surgical corrections
- Diabetic Foot
Module 7: Regeneartive Orthopaedics (2 months)
- Platelet derived products ,PRP with Recent advances
- Biology, Types of stem cells
- Mesenchymal stem cells
- Sources of MSCs and its advantages
- Applications of MSCs in various clinical conditions
- Stem cell banking
Module 8: Medico-legal aspects (1 month)
Module 9: Research Methodology (15 days)
- Levels of Evidence
- Study types and their methodologies
- Critical appraisal of Evidence
- Ethical Committee
- International guidelines on methodology reporting
Module 10: Publication ethics (15 days)
- Code of research conduct
- Authorship guidelines
- Plagiarism
- Citation techniques
- Literature review techniques