The I.O R. A aims at :
- To create awareness among Orthopaedic Surgeons for proper management( Medical & Surgical) and newer development in this Field .
- To reuse, favour and stimulate all efforts to do Research .
- To Create and develop international scientific relation with Rheumatology.
- To elaborate, deepen and radiate the knowledge acquired in the domain and impart to those who ask for it .
- To represents this branch of medical knowledge at National& International level.
- To do all sorts of work related with the aforesaid Field
IORA aims to meet challenges which are:
- Limited numbers of specialists with rheumatology training (especially in semi-urban and rural areas).
- Lack of infrastructure in many places for Proper management with multi-disciplinary team approach
- Difficulties patient education(Time Taking)
- Patient non-compliance with conventional treatment & Biologicals are Costly.
- High prevalence of co-exsisting conditions such as Stressfull Life style and malnutrition.
- Problems with monitoring of adverse events secondary to DMARD therapy.
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